Barotrauma experience

 Barotrauma traumatic experience

So I have been busy playing barotrauma these couple of days and it was a horrifying experience. I played the game whit my friend so I can't say anything about the solo experience. but the duo experience was fun.

Games idea:

in barotrauma you got your crew that has a captain and other jobs like Medic/Engineer/Mechanic/Guard. and you choose your jobs to collect money to upgrade and get some new things.


In barotrauma, you accept jobs from an outpost that will tell you to go kill some aliens or transport shipments or people to other outposts. You got your submarine that has the crew and you can recruit bots whit the marks you earn through the game but don't forget to resupply now and then. I played as the captain and my experience was positive while my friend was getting PTSD in the sub I was safely locked away controlling the submarine.


Europa and its living creatures like husk parasites and crawlers will give you hard times sometimes but that's the wonderful thing about the game it gives you challenge and you must beat it and not give up. Europa's world is very scary but it's the neat thing about it. you go into the cave and you don't know if you are coming back to your sub or if your sub still working while you are out. 

Missions: I liked the lost outpost missions where you needed to go explode or save people from an outpost that was taken by husks or local terrorists. the other missions were good too but well from a captain's perspective it wasn't as fun as the outpost missions. because when you play as the captain you mostly just steer and watch blinking balls on the screen


the barotrauma will be one of my favorite games because of its unique theme and its good quality gameplay. I will continue to play this game more in the future.

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