Monster hunter Sunbreak review Pt1

 Monster hunter Sunbreak review midgame

(Warning this contains Minor Spoilers)

Monster Hunter Sunbreak is one of my most expected DLC in this year, or should i say game because it feels like a brand new game. 


Gameplay of the Sunbreak is very fast based combat, so don't worry if you liked Monster Hunter Rises combat, because they didn't change it. But most importantly improved it with a new switch skill system and new elements in hunt to make your hunts feel more special than ever.

Insect Glave: ( the only weapon i use)

I have used insect blade from the times i played Monster Hunter World and i played the whole Monster Hunter Rise with it and i will continue to use it in the Sunbreak. I personally have played with the insect blade like all the time and i still like it. The mobility and the new switch skills add so much more new cool moves to the game and even more mobility to your use.


The new maps are looking very nice and have some amazing locations from ancient castles and ruins that hide in the jungles. The citadel map is my new personal favorite in this game so far. I'm not going to tell you about it much because it's amazing looking map. I will let you adventure it with out spoiling all the amazing details that are offered at the map.

New Monsters:

The new monsters are amazingly designed and they look threatening and strong. My personal favorite so far is the new mid game boss Lunagaron. It's howl sound's so amazing and make the player go like ''that's one mean monster'' and the fight is the best part of the Lunagaron.
Lunagaron moves fast enough to keep you awake in the combat. My next fight will be with Malzeno so i can't give my perspective of that fight yet.


The Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is a unique experience that no other game can offer, except its previous titles like Monster Hunter World and so on. I will recommend this game for its amazing fast and intensive combat and for its amazing monsters and maps.

PT 2 is coming later this week.

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