Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Experience

 Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak experience

Contains Spoilers:

After hours of grinding sets and weapons i finally finished Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. The game was everything i expected to be a good monster hunting experience with some improved gameplay and funny moments while hunting.


I played the game on pc and it worked very well. I didn't come a cross whit any bugs or any game breaking things.

I've talked many times about the gameplay of the Monster Hunter Sunbreak, but these are my final thoughts about it. The gameplay was good, but some times i felt like something was missing. Like for example, when the hunt starts you see the monster directly on the map. I would have liked it, if they added the tracing mechanics from the Monster Hunter World.

Weapons gameplay felt very nice, especially insect blade. But well, i tested other weapons too. For example, a normal lance maybe needs and deserves a buff or a rework. The switch skill system didn't bring much for it. I tested long sword and it was amazing, no wonder why everyone is using it. After those weapons i went back to use insect blade, because i was always an insect blade main and i will always be.

The difficulty of the game wasn't insane or anything. I barely died on any hunt, or had any rough moments with any monsters.

Returning monsters:

The returning monsters were amazingly introduced to the monster roaster of the Sunbreak. They brought me so much joy and enjoyment when i was hunting them. The armor sets and weapons also looked more amazing than ever in my opinion.

Seeing Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala and Astalos was epic, i have never played the Monster Hunter 4 or the Generations. But now i feel like i must test them, sadly its only for 3DS. But at least i got to experience them in the monster hunter Sunbreak.

New monsters: 

the three lords were very nicely designed, specially the Garangolm. I have never seen anything like it !!

Lunagaron's fight was one of my favorites too, because of the way the Lunagaron howls and goes from its wolf mode to the werewolf mode, made it feel special and unique fight.

Malzeno the flagship of the Sunbreak was epic. The dragon that has vampire powers made it my favorite, because i have always liked vampires and stuff like that in my life. Malzeno's fight was hard, the way Malzeno teleports behind you and kills you if you are not alert was amazing. Also when Malzeno went to its rage state, it changes color. That's one cool flagship fight.


Maps were very nicely designed with many unique locations to visit and hunt. My personal favorite was the Citadel, because of the atmosphere was very nicely implemented to the game. The Citadel is a very unique map and i will continue hunting there in the future.

The Final boss, Gaismagorm!!

The Gaismagorm boss fight made amazing feeling when you and your friends are up against a titan, that's what i felt against it.
The fight was epic with many phases. My personal favorite part was, when Gaismagorm climbs on the wall and you shoot it with the machine canons. 
When the Gaismagorm is on the top, he shoots some kind of nuclear missile from his mouth and does high damage. When Gaismagorm is in its low state of HP, its body sets a blaze, or it seems like it. 
The Gaismagorm was the best final boss of the Monster Hunter series, that i have played.


The Monster Hunter Sunbreak is the best Monster Hunter game so far, in my opinion. 
The gameplay is smooth and the fights are epic. The wait for this was worth it, now i can go back to farm sets and weapons to the game and wait for new content to come. 
See you at the hunting grounds!

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